Indo-European Languages

THE PROTO INDO-EUROPEAN tribe were a pastoral people who lived in the vicinity of Russia or Ukraine. According to their (reconstructed) mythology, Manu was the first Indo-European, and sacrificed his twin brother to create the world, accompanied by a cosmic cow. Actually, cattle play a fundamental role in the later Indo-European cultures that spread across, well, India and Europe, and then later Siberia and America and Australia.

MANY INDOEUROPEAN languages use gender to group nouns.

The word "man" has its origins in the Old English language, where it was spelled "mann". It is believed to have derived from the Proto-Germanic word "mannaz", which meant "person" or "human being". The Proto-Germanic word "mannaz" is also related to similar words in other Germanic languages, such as the Old Norse word "mağr", the Old Frisian word "man", and the Middle Low German word "man". These words all have similar meanings, and they are all thought to have descended from a common Proto-Indo-European root word that meant "man, human being". Over time, the word "man" has evolved to take on a variety of meanings and connotations, depending on the context in which it is used. In modern English, it can refer to a male human being, or to human beings in general regardless of gender. It is also used in many idiomatic expressions and phrases, such as "man up", "man of the world", and "one-man show", among others.

Romance Languages

» Spanish

Germanic Languages

PHRASAL VERBS (combining verbs and prepositions) are a feature of Germanic languages, as are umlauts and : for example, "clean up", "aufräumen", .

» Dutch
» German
» English
» Icelandic

» Jakub Marian